Michelle is an experienced litigator who has a particular focus on civil litigation involving complex and sensitive claims. In this space, she has worked with both public sector and private clients across a range of industries. She practices in all major torts and liability, as well as advising clients on insurance policy interpretation and indemnity issues. Michelle has experience across multiple jurisdictions in Victoria as well as interstate.

A strong part of Michelle’s practice is in institutional liability, representing schools, sporting organisations, religious institutions and government in responding to personal injury claims. Michelle is recognised for her ability to support clients through all stages of the litigation process. She has regularly assisted clients to reach agreeable resolutions in the early stages of disputes, and has prepared evidence and individuals for appearances in contentious matters involving reputational risk.

Michelle takes a collaborative approach to ensure that the best outcome can be achieved. She is also known for providing tailored, clear, and strategic advice and her proactive use of dispute resolution practices, appearing in both informal settlement conferences and court-ordered mediations.

  • Acting in a coronial inquest involving multiple interested parties.
  • Representing the examinee in a bankruptcy inquiry and continuing to act for the examinee in an ongoing bankruptcy proceeding alleging the client’s involvement in a fraudulent asset divestment scheme.
  • Acting in a large-scale parliamentary inquiry through review of documents and witness preparation interviews.
  • Acting for sporting, government, religious and charitable institutions responding to allegations of historical sexual and physical abuse in litigated proceedings commenced in the Supreme Court of Victoria.
  • Acting for a large religious institution in the joinder of Victoria’s Adult Parole Board to a claim for institutional abuse where the offender was on parole during the relevant period.
  • Acting for a government agency in intentional tort and institutional abuse claims.
  • Acting on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants in a variety of pre-litigation defamation claims.
Areas of Expertise
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Defamation
  • Investigations and Inquiries
  • Legacy, Sensitive and Complex Claims

Industry Representation
  • Construction and Infrastructure
  • Education
  • Public Sector
  • Sports, Leisure and Entertainment

Professional Affiliations
  • Law Institute of Victoria