Wotton Kearney is an international legal business which operates through separately constituted and regulated legal entities providing legal services in accordance with the relevant laws of Australia and New Zealand.

The use of words and/or phrases such as “we”, “Wotton Kearney”, “Wotton Kearney”, “WK”, “international legal business”, “the firm”, “our people” where they appear on this website or elsewhere is for convenience only and refers to any of the entities below.


Wotton Kearney Pty Ltd (ABN 94 632 932 131), is an incorporated legal practice (ILP) registered in Australia. A list of the directors, together with a list of those persons who are designated as partners, is available for inspection at our registered office: Level 9/225 George St, Sydney NSW 2000. We use the term ‘partner’ to refer to an employee or director of the ILP who is a lawyer with equivalent standing and qualifications. Wotton Kearney is a trading name of Wotton Kearney Pty Ltd registered in Australia.

Wotton Kearney Limited (NZBN 9429031331227), is an incorporated law firm and limited liability company registered in New Zealand. We use the term ‘partner’ to refer to a director and/or shareholder of Wotton Kearney Limited who is a lawyer with equivalent standing and qualifications.  The liabilities of persons described as partners of Wotton Kearney Limited are limited in accordance with s17 Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006. Wotton Kearney is a trading name registered of Wotton Kearney Limited in New Zealand.


The contents of this website do not constitute legal or other professional advice. Users should seek appropriate legal guidance before coming to any decision or either taking or refraining from taking any legal action. Wotton Kearney will endeavour to keep the content of this website up to date but disclaims all liability for loss and/or damage that may result from its use.

If you have a specific legal question, you should address it to one of our lawyers by contacting one of our partners identified on this website.

Links to third party sites

We provide links to third party sites and content for your convenience, however, the inclusion of such links does not imply endorsement by us of any content contained on the sites accessible via those links. Wotton Kearney is not responsible for the content of such third party websites and hereby excludes all liability for any loss and/or damage that may be incurred by you as a result of your access and/or use of such content. Please note that such third party content may be subject to terms and conditions imposed by the third party owner of the content.

Copyright notice

The copyright in the contents of this website belongs to Wotton Kearney. Accordingly, Wotton Kearney reserves all rights. Copying of part or all the contents of this website without the prior written permission of Wotton Kearney is prohibited except that:

  • you may print or download extracts of the printed text contained on this website (“the Extracts”) for your own personal, non-commercial use and provided it is not incorporated (or to be incorporated or reproduced, whether in whole or in part) in any other work or publication;
  • you may recopy the Extracts to individual third parties for their own private use only but only if:
    • (a) you acknowledge the Wotton Kearney website as the source of the Extracts;
    • (b) the titles, credits and URLs are not altered or removed;
    • (c) you inform the individual third parties that:
      • a. these conditions; and
      • b. the disclaimer (above) attached to this website; apply to the Extracts and that he/she must comply with them.

For the avoidance of doubt (but without limitation), no part of this website (or any of its contents) may be distributed, reproduced or otherwise communicated to the public whether in electronic form or hard copy for any commercial purpose.

Links to the Wotton Kearney website may not be included in any other website without our prior written permission. Please see the contact us section of this website for contact information.

Email notice

Email messages sent from users of Wotton Kearney’s email systems have a legal disclaimer statement appended automatically. The disclaimer statement on each email includes a hyperlink to this web page.

When addressed to our clients, any opinions or advice contained in any email and any attachments are subject to the governing client engagement letter, our terms and conditions and/or related communications. Opinions, conclusions and other information in any email and any attachments which do not relate to the business of the firm are neither given nor endorsed by it.

The information in any email and any files transmitted with it is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any unauthorised review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received an email in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.

We do not assure, warrant or guarantee the technical integrity of any communication. Emails sent to and from our email systems may be stored on discs/archive storage in accordance with our backup/archiving policy.

We automatically monitor all inbound/outbound emails for viruses, profanity, offensive language, racist or sexual comments, virus hoaxes, chain-mail and known spam mailers. We reserve the right to intercept, store, archive, delete or view such emails for security/audit purposes and where necessary instigate appropriate proceedings against the parties involved.

We confirm that outbound emails have been swept for the presence of computer viruses, but do not guarantee such messages to be virus-free. The onus is on the receiving recipients to check they are virus-free.

Domestic and Family Violence Policy

Wotton Kearney’s Domestic and Family Violence Policy applies to anyone who might be directly involved in DFV including victims, offenders and bystanders in the family or domestic unit. This policy is not limited to those who have been victims of DFV. This policy applies to all permanent employees of WK within Australia.

Click here to download a full copy of our Domestic and Family Violence Policy.

Interpretation services

Wotton Kearney is able to provide interpretation services including help for non-English speakers and support for interpreters.

For more information on available services, visit: https://www.tisnational.gov.au

Responsible Procurement

At Wotton Kearney we take seriously our role as a responsible global citizen. We are committed to ethical and environmentally sustainable business practices as detailed in our Sustainable Procurement Policy and Modern Slavery Policy.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct to Address Modern Slavery sets out our expectations for the conduct of our suppliers. Wotton Kearney requires all of its suppliers to comply with the provisions in this Supplier Code of Conduct.

Our Modern Slavery Grievance Policy has been adopted to make it easy for anyone to raise concerns about potential or actual modern slavery within our operations or supply chains. If you believe that you or someone else has been subjected to modern slavery at Wotton Kearney or by our suppliers, we encourage you to raise your concerns. You can lodge a grievance anonymously using this form.

You can download our Modern Slavery Statement for FY24 here.