The insurance sector attracts and retains young professionals who are hungry for relevant, regular learning and education opportunities. To help further their careers, W+K has put together a multi-part Emerging Talent Series addressing both Property & Energy and General Liability claims issues.

Property & Energy – Session 1 (25 Nov 2020)

In the first event in our series of P+E Emerging Talent sessions, our Property experts look at some emerging issues around damage (vs defects) through the lens of the traditional key coverage requirements for a CAR/ISR claim.


To access all material from the day, including the presentation slides and webinar recording, click here to view online or download PDF.

General Liability – Session 1: Policy Interpretation (25 Feb 2021)

In our first GL Emerging Talent Series session, our W+K partners who are known for their expertise in policy interpretation share insights into:

  • How to attack an indemnity issue – the nuts and bolts of moving through insuring clauses, exclusions, conditions and endorsements and breaking down complex clauses.
  • The triggers to cover – claims made, and occurrence or injury / loss-based insuring clauses.
  • Basic exclusion clauses, including assumption of liability under contract.
  • Acts, omissions, reasonable precautions and section 54 of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth).
  • Excesses, deductibles, self-insured retentions and limits of liability.


To access all material from the day, including the presentation slides and webinar recording, click here to view online or download PDF.

General Liability – Session 2: Procedural Differences (18 March 2021)

In our second GL Emerging Talent Series session, four of W+K’s senior lawyers cover the procedural differences relevant to the management of claims across Australia and share insight into:

  • Pre-litigation steps – what they involve and how they can be used to resolve claims faster.
  • Case management by the Courts – the path to trial and opportunities to settle claims along the way.
  • Pleadings & Discovery obligations – understanding the nuances in each jurisdiction.
  • Costs protection mechanisms and using them to your advantage.
  • How COVID-19 has impacted the way Courts operate and are likely to operate into the future.


To access all material from the day, including the presentation slides and webinar recording, click here to view online or download PDF.

General Liability – Session 3: Key Issues & Jurisdictional Nuances (29 April 2021)

In our third GL Emerging Talent Series session, four of W+K’s senior lawyers cover general liability key issues and jurisdictional nuances and share insight into:

  • Limitation periods – is the Plaintiff really out of time (and if not, when?)
  • Setting aside settlement agreements – becoming more prevalent in historical sexual abuse claims
  • Dangerous recreational activity – a State-by State analysis 20 years on
  • Worker to worker claims – application of excesses and workers’ compensation involvement
  • Impact of contracts – indemnities and obligation to insure (a snapshot)


To access all material from the day, including the presentation slides and webinar recording, click here to view online or download PDF.

Property & Energy – Session 2 (11 May 2021)

In the second session of our P+E Emerging Talent series, our Property experts focus on ‘Exclusions’ in property policies and everything you need to know from a practical perspective.


To access all material from the day, including the presentation slides and webinar recording, click here to view online or download PDF.

General Liability – Session 4: Quantum Regimes by State (20 May 2021)

In our final GL Emerging Talent Series session, four of W+K’s senior lawyers cover the different Quantum Regimes operating across Australia and share insights into:

  • Overview of personal injury quantum assessments – why it is calculated the way it is and why it is so important to get it right.
  • General damages / non-economic loss – how do these awards vary between different jurisdictions?
  • Economic loss / income loss – how are past and future economic loss claims calculated and what are multipliers?
  • Gratuitous services – what are the thresholds, and as often one of the largest heads of damage, how can claims for past and future gratuitous services be reduced?
  • Other heads of damage – how other heads of damage such as special damages (including Medicare indemnities) and future medical expenses are calculated and what evidence is required in short of these claims.


  • Hope Saloustros (Partner, Melbourne)
  • Cassandra Wills (Special Counsel, Brisbane)
  • Jacqueline Grace (Senior Associate, Sydney)
  • Caitlin Paxton (Associate, Perth)

To access all material from the day, including the presentation slides and webinar recording, click here to view online or download PDF.